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Moose Training Systems



Regular price $45.00 CAD
Regular price $59.00 CAD Sale price $45.00 CAD
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Learn the tips and tricks I use to ensure I’m my best before, during and after a competition.

This Comp Prep PDF is going to teach you how to program for yourself and prepare for your next competition. In strongman and strength sports, there is a lot of misinformation and contradictory information. In reality, it isn’t rocket science. You need to prepare and you need to plan for success. Well, its not that easy.

The million dollar question, that (unfortunately) doesn’t have a quick and easy answer. Take the time to read through this and you should be able to structure your own training to prepare yourself for your competition. In the interest of giving you real, concrete information to act off, I need you to accept that I am oversimplifying elements of training by brushing over some nuance. This is going to let you program for yourself without second guessing at the expense of accepting that different people need different things. I will give the best evidence and experience based recommendations to get you where you need to be.


  • How to program for a competition?
  • Should you compete?
  • Principles of strongman peaking
  • Peaking for reps/max
  • Establishing optimal training volume
  • Avoiding overtraining and burnout
  • Nutrition on the day of competition
  • Strategizing to win the competition
  • Dealing with competition anxiety
  • Ensuring a proper deload
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